Monday, 15 November 2010

Leaves on FIRE

Well not actually, but the colours this year have been amazing, I think you'll agree. Sadly the strong winds and rain have stripped a lot of the reds and oranges this week but I've definitely been inspired.

I've been looking at new materials and techniques, partly because the silver price has gotten silly and partly for the new challenge. Copper sprung to mind because of the autumn like colours, it's (relatively) low cost and because it's more pliable - perfect for revisiting Fold forming. This is a  technique of folding and hammering metal that I have toyed with before, but didn't really have the room to fully explore.

Firstly I tried a Romero fold leaf. I made one for myself as a brooch ages ago and it always gets comments so I had a go at another. Really please with the result and polished it to within an inch of it's life to get that lovely orange glow.

Spurred on I went for a simple folded and hammered crescent shape. To get the metal to continue to curve you must keep annealling the piece between sets of hammering. At the time this seem a chore, but it has an unseen advantage. When you open the fold the copper has gone lovely reds, browns and even black on the edges. Absolutely gorgeous!! Got carried away and did some earrings as well!

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